Elon Musk’s Disturbing Response To Strange Andrew Tate Message
Elon Musk the Tesla CEO recently bumped into a strange message by Andrew Tate and like his typical manners he gave the ex-kickboxer an interesting response but before we get into his strange message how about a little backup of the story it’s almost impossible to avoid Andrew Tate on social media he’s a topic of conversation on practically any major social media platform

despite being banned from almost all of them but just in case you’ve not been able to get the news about this ex-kickboxer and controversial social media influencer this might interest you Andrew started his career as an actor and kickboxer having his newbie shows featured on the popular Big Brother channel before he was kicked out after a leaked video of him beating a woman with a belt as disturbing as it was both of them admitted that the video was consensual and therefore not a case of abuse fast forward years later and things don’t seem to get any different Tate has earned a name as a misogynist as some label him so thanks to his negative diatribes against women however what happened to him most recently seemed to be the stroke that broke the camel’s back they now disgraced social media influencer was arrested by the Romanian authorities for alleged human trafficking and other serious crimes according to the Romanian authorities Tate his younger brother Tristan and tuya other Romanian citizens were involved in disturbing human trafficking businesses what’s quite Sinister about the events leading up to Tates and his counterparts arrest was a tip given by the USA back in April from a 21 year old American who alleged that she had been held against her wishes this incident though denied by Tate opened doors to many other investigations that led up to his eventual arrest at the close of the Year this was quite a way of finishing the year following Tate’s arrest the controversial social influencer claimed that he was being accused falsely part of his message which he periodically sent on Twitter the current mainstream social media he is allowed in was there was no evidence leading up to his arrest I however some members of the public think that Tate was responsible for that crime this opinion is largely pegged on what the remaining authorities say which seems to be streamlined with the testimony of two women interviewed by BBC now the Romanian authorities allege that Tate and his counterparts found a way of luring women who are interested in romantic relationships these relationships

they said would lead to marriage however after the women accepted they found themselves in a fix and were forced to produce explicit content which would generate money for the Tate Brothers many believe the allegations to be true after the testimony of Daria gusa a 16 year old in Romania Miss goosa revealed to BBC news that she had received a private message on Instagram from Andrew Tate while being texted by Andrew Tate is not necessarily bad however the content seemed disturbing Miss goosa said it just read Romanian girl and he put a flirty Emoji young Daria gusa was confused with the message as she only had a mere 200 followers on Insta Instagram and her account was private on the same note the message insinuated a hidden agenda from the sender despite that her bio said she was in high school for a young girl like Miss Daria the best conclusion she could come up with was that Andrew Tate was just trying to find women and girls who were as innocent or naive as possible her conclusion is nothing new when weighed with Tate’s past advice to men he’s popular for his advice to men to date 18 and 19 year olds over women in their mid-20s his reason for such a specific pick is that women in their mid-20s already know a lot on the other hand 18 or 19 year olds are still naive and therefore they can easily make an imprint on themselves Tate even said he would never date a woman over 25 years old even though he is 35 years old if you were thinking that Daria was making up her mind you might want to hear this she showed the BBC a well-trusted news house the screenshot of the message

which she never replied to Daria now at the University of UK is the daughter of a prominent Romanian politician probably that’s the reason she felt confident to speak out about what many other women and girls have reviews to go public about nonetheless she’s faced numerous criticisms from people for opening up even guys that I used to know from High School are calling me a liar for saying I once received a message from Andrew Tate but they don’t find anything strange about all the other allegations said Daria goosa a similar story is told of Tate’s brother Tristan while getting a disturbing text from one brother is okay but getting another story from the other brother tends to raise eyebrows this is the incident of Gabriella not her real name though who was 17 years old when Tristan contacted her although she pretended to be 19. Gabriella showed BBC Tristan’s initial message which read you are beautiful Gabriella however stated that she knew it because he was using the same approach with other girls he always started with the same line you’re beautiful so how did Gabriella know that her friend received the same opening message from Tristan what makes this story awkward truthful in a sense as Mr Tate’s advice to men in one of his online videos in which he stated you are beautiful isn’t bad as an opening following this advice Tate always told men to establish exactly where the woman is with questions like why do I never see you where are you hiding interestingly this is the same exchange that Gabriella had with Tristan screenshots from the purported conversation show that Andrew Tate liked to describe as feel I’ve seen you around town before somewhere is that possible where have you been hiding the then 17 year old went on to tell BBC that Tristan invited her out into his car and then to a party to which she declined the texting bat stopped abruptly when she posted a video about Tristan on social media to which he allegedly replied important people will never want to write to you if they see you do stuff like this just a friendly warning the texts are still allegations however they tend to strongly insinuate the Tate Brothers it is definitely inappropriate for older men to be texting teenager years and inviting them out BBC verified that they had seen all the screenshots that appeared to support the claims of the two women the messages also appeared to be sent from the handles used by the Tate Brothers before being banned nevertheless they could not independently credit that the messages were sent by Andrew and Tristan Tate or someone working on their behalf sad to say Tate still has a stream of accusers behind his Trail the most recent was a very disturbing one from a woman referred to by the pseudonym Amelia she accused the controversial personality of taking advantage of her back in November 2013. part of the investigation included some bothersome voice message that Andrew Tate allegedly sent and they painted dark picture of Tate however Emilia said that authorities told her that the matter boiled down to the fact that there’s an ounce of doubt in the case Tate’s lawyer on the other hand had put his best foot forward to ensure that his client gets closure on the case Eugene vidnyak has consistently stood by the claim that the Romanian police have no evidence to support their allegations of human trafficking and other serious crimes against the controversial social influencer in a conversation with the Romanian newspaper Tate’s attorney advised that Tate’s online Persona could not be used as evidence in a criminal trial to this he added that his online Persona doesn’t reflect who he is according to his lawyer there is no evidence and I am talking about evidence that leads by itself or directly to the formation or of an opinion of responsible suspicion on the commission of Acts provided for and punishable by criminal law his main advice on the case is that Tate should be released Tate in many social media stats on Twitter has accused the remaining authorities of being unjust since his arrest in the foreign land he has bitterly complained about how much they don’t care how long someone takes in jail after they have wasted your time they release you the ex-kickboxer complained since They confiscated two of his flashy cars and see some of his luxury villas Tate has complained that they want to steal his money and they are looking for a way to do just what that aside Andrew Tate has not earned such a good name through his journey as a social influencer all the same on the contrary it is his controversial stance that has earned him the magnitude of popularity he now Prides himself on topping the list of the anti-andrew Tate bandwagon our teachers or Educators if you prefer that Charlotte Carson a secondary school teacher described Tate as an articulate intelligent and disciplined person however there was a bit to accompany his good traits Charlotte went on to say that Tate is pathetic and insecure as he promotes Taliban beliefs of how women should be treated Tate is apparently everywhere you go if his content is not being shown somewhere then he has been invited for a podcast or something similar this has earned him a popularity that many are not comfortable with despite that he was banned from all the mainstream social media sites and currently operates on Twitter only his misogynistic statements about women and other things have a specially influenced teenage boys incredibly according to Miss Carson a teacher in Northern Ireland a lot of boys can see that there are parts of Andrew Tate that they respect and admire and then there’s a part they don’t they know he says a lot of terrible things most of these kids have signed up for Tates University The Hustler University that purports to teach people how to make money through cryptocurrency copywriting and Drop Shipping the university operates in a way that will not fail to Intrigue you members of Hustler University are encouraged to keep their identities a secret and instead address each other as G and refer to Tate as top gee yet the outcome of the program is not as pleasant as anyone might want to hear apart from allegedly brainwashing teenage Minds the reviews of Hustler University show that Andrew Tate is not an expert in making money online as he claims to be on the contrary most of these successful students from the University are making money by promoting the course through affiliate links rather than by actually using their skills going with a 2.7 star reviews from the University many people have been discouraged from joining the university the common advice is that they are not real experts besides Tate tends to lure people through his flashy lifestyle yet the reality of getting money is not always as easy as many think it is so it seems that investigators are still searching for hard evidence from The Villa where Tate was arrested and there are many accusations from many people this plus is controversial points about women form the basis for how many people view him with Justice truth is always truth it has a way of coming to light in a matter of time as for the outcome of Tate’s case we leave that to you viewers to predict what will happen what’s your prediction feel free to give us your views in the comment section below
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